Venus Delite's Pinky leopard cotton pad cascading ripple cake yarn lingerie set cum T-back
维纳斯の粉红豹薄棉罩杯水波纹层叠蛋糕纱睡裙套装 (附T裤)
~带胸垫的睡裙,很特别吧?如果眉眉们没有穿胸罩的习惯,又担心走光或家人接受度问题,这一款内衬胸垫睡裙绝对适合你哦~层叠波浪滚边,化身可爱的小豹让他大吃一惊吧~ 很舒适的一款哦~
Material: 网纱 Gauze
Size: Suitable for medium size body (Adjustable straps, non-Stretchable)
Length: 66cm (exclude straps)
~带胸垫的睡裙,很特别吧?如果眉眉们没有穿胸罩的习惯,又担心走光或家人接受度问题,这一款内衬胸垫睡裙绝对适合你哦~层叠波浪滚边,化身可爱的小豹让他大吃一惊吧~ 很舒适的一款哦~
Material: 网纱 Gauze
Size: Suitable for medium size body (Adjustable straps, non-Stretchable)
Length: 66cm (exclude straps)
Bust Measurement: 66-80cm
Waist Measurement: 84cm
Price: RM39
Price: RM39
Description: Lingerie with chest pad design. If babe don't have a habit to wear bra during sleep, worry about sneaked problem or level of acceptance from family, this design definitely absolutely suits you. It comes with cascading waves skirt and for sure is a very comfortable piece! Turn yourself into a little pinky leopard and give him the surprise tonight!