~非常超值的一款,一对袜子是VenusDelite加送的哦,超赞呢~ 蕾丝制材让本粗犷狂野的款式增添几份性感妩媚,上衣弹力挂勃式设计,性感野性的黑色,让爱接收新体验的你或他,一睹倾情~
Material: 蕾丝 lace
Size: Suitable with medium size body (slightly-Stretchable)
Bust Measurement: 64-90cm (full length); 14-21cm (cup length); 15cm (cup height)
Waist Measurement: 52-80cm
Price: RM30
Description: A valuable set, and babe will get a pair of socks free! Lace material is not only rugged wild but also charm, the elastic neck hung design, and sexy black color, definitely will drive him crazy!