Venus Delite's Valueable little apron maid uniform 7 pieces ( A circlet, two gloves, an apron, an underwear, a bra, a collar)
维纳斯の超值小围裙女佣游戏制服7件组 (头箍一个,手套两个,围裙一个,侧系T裤一条,内衣一件,颈圈一个)
Material: 蕾丝布料 Lace
Size: Suitable with medium size body (non-Stretchable)
Bust Measurement: 20cm (cup length), 14cm (cup height)
Price: RM29
Description: Role playing!! Lil black dots with pinky base and black wide lace inlay, very adorable and sexy!Babe will definitely love this piece.