Venus Delite's Sweet pink satin lace bikini three-piece set (Include: Upper garment, T-back, Skirt) Pink
Material : 蕾丝,柔纱 Lace, Cotton yarn
Size: Suitable for Medium size body (Stretchable, Adjustable straps)
Bust Measurement: 60-82cm (full length); 12-16cm (cup length); 15cm (cup height)
Waist/T-back Measurement: 56-86cm
Waist/Skirt Measurement: 56-80cm
Skirt Length: 19cm
Price: RM28
Description: Extremely sweet pink satin with gorgeous young posture. Cute princess style bikini and short skirt with lace at waist, just dance with your prince tonight!

MSN: venusdelite@live.com